
Story - Syarifah Anhar

Annoying Tarantula

About a month ago, I was on a vacation in Padang. After going to Bukittinggi, I was so dirty and tired, so I went to the bathroom and clean myself.
Suddenly, I saw something hanging on the bathroom wall. I was so curious, so I took a closer look. It was small, hairy, and black. When I looked at it, I knew immediately that it was a tarantula!
First, I decided to ignore the tarantula. Fortunately, it ignored me too. Fifteen minutes later, the tarantula moved for an inch. I was freaking out. Then, I decided to walk out from the bathroom.
The next day, the tarantula was still hanging on the wall. I was going to Air Manis Beach, so I had to take a bath no matter what. So, I just walked inside the bathroom and took a bath.

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